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Config DB

Show your user how to work through some end to end examples.

This is a placeholder page that shows you how to use this template site.

Configuratie DB

Oke niet echt een Database maar een verzameling configuraties voor diverse systemen en technieken
Hier vind je bijvoorbeeld verschillende configuraties voor Shelly’s met ESPHome Firmware, of Automations van HA etc Maar ook eventueel Docker (Compose) files

1 - ESPHome

ESPHome Configs.

This is a placeholder page that shows you how to use this template site.


Kort stukje text over ESPhome

1.1 - Shelly Configuraties

Place holder voor de shelly 1 configs

This is a typical blog post that includes images.

The front matter specifies the date of the blog post, its title, a short description that will be displayed on the blog landing page, and its author.

Including images

Here’s an image that includes a byline and a caption. at the size and byline specified in the front matter.

1.2 - Shelly Configuraties

Place holder voor de shelly 25 configs

This is a typical blog post that includes images.

The front matter specifies the date of the blog post, its title, a short description that will be displayed on the blog landing page, and its author.

Including images

Here’s an image that includes a byline and a caption. at the size and byline specified in the front matter.